BMS World Mission
BMS World Mission is a Christian mission organisation, working in around 35 countries on four continents. BMS personnel are mainly involved in church planting, development, disaster relief, education, health, and media and advocacy.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain
Umbrella Organisation of most Baptist Churches in UK
London Baptist Association
The London regional part of the Baptist Union
Baptist Union of Great Britain
The Baptist Union consist of the Churches, Associations of Churches, Colleges, other Baptist organisations and persons who are in membership with the Union
Tearfund are recognised for its professional expertise in development, disaster response, disaster risk reduction and advocacy. This level of professionalism and expertise, matched with the enduring, sustainable effectiveness of the local church
Radio Bible Class
RBC Ministries is a global ministry whose mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.
Crusade for World Revival
Crusade for World Revival was founded as a Christian ministry in 1965 by Selwyn Hughes, changing its name to CWR in the mid 1980s. Since then, we have grown into an international publishing and training organisation which seeks to enable people to apply God's word to everyday life and relationships. In addition to the variety of courses we offer, we produce a wide range of high-quality resources including daily devotionals, books, ebooks, DVDs and CDs.